Alan Lawson

Member of the Kuloo development team

  • Total activity 220
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  • Following 0 users
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  • Votes 1
  • Subscriptions 111


Recent activity by Alan Lawson Recent activity Votes
  • Channel Overview

    For a successful channel, it is important to know what is going on. The "Channel Overview" dashboard is available to all channel owners and provides 36 charts and tables that cover all areas of you...

  • Screen layout and icons

    "Inbox" (right side) - The current folder name. Select a folder from the left side and the articles will be listed on the right side. "Inbox" (left side) - The list of folders and subscribed chan...

  • Operation

    The notification system is always visible as a bell icon on the bottom right of the app screen, beside the help button. Badge number - the upper right of bell icon displays the number of notificat...

  • Enable and configure

    To enable newsletters for your subscribers go to your channel document ("More / Admin / Edit channel") and turn on the "Enable missed articles emails" switch. This will show a number of fields, som...

  • Install app on iOS

    This app is a new kind of app called a "web app". This technology allows apps to be created that are safer from viruses and privacy issues than native apps that are listed in the Apple store. For ...

  • Account history

    Anyone that has a channel or posts any ads or makes any donations can see a complete history of their financial transactions on the "Account payments and history" page. To get there from the main a...

  • The Donation/Seed funding system

    Readers that want to support their favourite channels may be reluctant to commit to multiple fixed monthly payments. With the Kuloo donation system, a single monthly contribution can be set that wi...

  • Changing time periods

      This article assumes that you have the analytics panel open. By default, the timeline graph displays number of active users for each moment in the past 24 hours. The title of the graph lists the...

  • Enter, approve and delete comments

    Comments can be added to the bottom of articles while the article is open. Scroll down in the open article and click the comments button to show the comments: The current comments will be display...

  • Two ways to edit an article

    There are two ways to edit an article. The first involves a long click (or double click) with the mouse or a tap and hold on touch devices.  Method 1: From the articles list Do a long or double cl...