Alan Lawson

Member of the Kuloo development team

  • Total activity 220
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  • Member since
  • Following 0 users
  • Followed by 0 users
  • Votes 1
  • Subscriptions 111


Recent activity by Alan Lawson Recent activity Votes
  • Why does the app want to know my location?

    First off, we do not share your location or any other information with any third parties. The only information the app would like to access on your phone is your location. This is optional but it w...

  • Use your own domain

    Your web site is always available under the domain but you can also make it available under your own domain. The process is quick simple but does require knowledge on how to add a record ...

  • Ad status

    Once your ad is approved and you have funds in your account, the add will be "Active" as indicated by the green "Active" status button on the bottom left of it in the "My advertisements" page. The...

  • Reading articles

    From the list of articles, click or tap an article to open it. Show / Hide Footer Click any non-text area on the page to hide the footer and display the article full page.  Tap again to bring the ...

  • Personal Dashboard

    As a subscriber to one or more channels, this dashboard gives you a quick overview of your activities. It contains 29 charts and tables: List of your current subscriptions List of articles you hav...

  • Other notes

    Limit - there is a limit to the number of notifications that can be displayed in the scrolling list. Currently it is set to about 100 and is limited to 30 days. It is possible to go back further i...

  • Reactions

    Something as simple as a thumbs up provides authors and commentators with quick feedback on their efforts. It also provides an indication to other readers who are considering what articles to read....

  • Scrolling Forms on Mobile devices

    When a form is open on a mobile device, it takes up the full width of the screen. To get to the Submit button it must be scrolled to the bottom. This can be difficult if there are a lot of fields o...

  • Swiping articles

    To remove an article from your inbox you must swipe it left or right. Swiping Left - From inbox only Indicated by the green color, swiping left will only remove the article from your inbox. It wil...

  • Withdrawing funds

    If you are selling ads on your channel the revenue will be deposited to your account. At any time you can withdraw some or all of these funds using the red "Withdrawal" button at the bottom of your...